Award Nomination FormRecommended By *SelfSocial MediaLakshya Chaudhary (Koshambi Foundation)Dr. Nitin Wahi (Genome Biotech)Dr. Raj Aman (H.E. World)Ms. Vanshika Chaudhary (Koshambi Foundation)Prof. Bhoopesh Kumar Sharma (SGT University)Dr. Dayal Saran (Unique Academy)Dr. Raghavendra MishraDr. Nikhil Aghnotri (Kanpur)Dr. Ponnala Vimal MosahariNeelam Group Of InstitutionsOthersIf Recommended By Other Please Mention Name Name Of The PersonName Of The Award *Best Research Thesis AwardBest Research Scholar AwardBest Teacher AwardYoung Scientist Award (Below 40 Years)Young Fellow Award (Below 40 Years)Young Academician Award (Below 40 Years)Excellence in Research AwardEminent Scientist AwardYoung Biotechnologist Award (Below 40 Years)Scientist of the Year AwardYoung Environmentalist Award (Below 40 Years)Science Communication AwardBest Academic Fellow AwardYoung Plant Pathologist Award (Below 40 Years)Educationist of the Year AwardBest Doctor AwardBest KVK Scientist AwardInnovative Biologist AwardBest IT Innovation AwardBest Innovation AwardEngineering Excellence AwardBest Entrepreneur AwardYoung Agriculturist Award (Below 40 Years)Best Community Health Service AwardInnovative Agriculturist AwardBest Social Worker AwardBest Nursing AwardBest Thesis AwardBest Electrohomeopath AwardAward Of Excellence OrganizationBest Achiever AwardYoung Achiever AwardSenior Scientist AwardBest Researcher AwardOutstanding Mentoring AwardOutstanding Scientist AwardExcellence Performer AwardExcellence in Departmental FieldEngineering Excellence AwardExcellence in Medicine AwardExcellence in Anatomical ScienceName Prefix *Prof.Dr.Ms.Mr.Mr.Er.Full Name (In Block Letter) *Designation *Eg. (Research Scholar / Associate Professor / Manager / etc)Designation Followed By Department *Eg: (Dept. of Botany / Dept. of Life Science / HR Department/ etc)Organization/Institution Name *Eg: (Delhi University , Delhi / ABC Industries , Agra)Email *Mobile Number *What's App Number *Date Of Birth & Age *Gender *MaleFemalePrefer not to sayTransgenderNationality *Address For Communication With Pin Code *Kindly Upload Complete C.V. (PDF Only) *Payment Details Payment Details *DDNEFTUPIOtherTransaction No./DD No. *Txn. Date *Amount (INR) *Receipt Upload (Only Upload PDF or JPEG) *Acceptance for Certificate & Award *I accept and agree that if any information provided above is incorrect or incomplete, I will be responsible for it. VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: